
Make a career as Physiotherapists – choose Physiotherapy course

Physical pain is inevitable. Many of us have gotten injured or met with a major or minor accident in our life, in such cases the pain may go away with painkillers while it is also possible that the pain may increase with time or hinder the physical movement. This is where physiotherapists play a vital …

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Gear up for CAT 2020 Exam – Tips on how you can crack it!

The CAT 2020 entrance exam has been scheduled for 29th November. It is one of the most competitive exams held every year. Common Admission Test (CAT) is an aptitude test that evaluates a candidate’s analytical and verbal skills required to have a successful career in business management. The student who wishes to take admissions in elite …

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Why choose Software engineering as your career?

In a technology-driven society, where web development and applications hold great importance the software engineers will never lack employment. More so, it offers diverse career opportunities to choose from. They can work with a wide range of people and organizations that primarily includes businesses, government organization and agencies, healthcare sectors, etc. But first of all, …

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Artificial Intelligence – What is it? Why opt for AI Course

Artificial Intelligence has been the talk of the town and has changed how the world operates today. We are all surrounded by it which probably means that it has become essential. So, What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be termed as a branch of computer sciences that focuses on the development of intelligent …

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The Future of Pharmacy in India

It might not be wrong to say that pharmacy plays a vital role in the healthcare industry. While the term Pharmacy can be complex, “It is the science and practice of ascertaining, preparing, creating, distributing, and reviewing drugs, ensuring that use of drugs is safe, effective, and affordable”. Treatment, diagnosis, consultation or post-treatment neither of …

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Reasons why startups are being preferred over corporate jobs

While both corporate and start-up have their pros and cons, most of the millennials are inclined over startups. It might be triggering but it is evident possibly due to the following reasons. Turning Point Start-ups can be a huge opportunity to make it big in the market. Millennials are keener on making changes on a …

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International Student’s Admissions 2020-21

It is quite obvious that studying in a completely new country with diverse cultures and people like that of India can be terrifying at first, but when you choose Marwadi University as your institute you can be safe and secure. 22 countries including students from Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mauritius, Bhutan, Syria, Afghanistan, and African …

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BCom Admission 2020 | Bachelor of Commerce

Aspirant who wish to make it big and easy money into finance, banking, insurance, commerce and business, then the best option is pursuing Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) course. It’s one of the most lucrative options for a commerce student. BCom is a 3-year undergraduate program offered both regular and distance learning by Marwadi University. This …

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about college admissions

HOW TO APPLY? After getting the information regarding the courses and fulfilling the eligibility criteria, the student can apply for any number of courses by paying the required registration amount for reserving the seat (which will be adjusted with their Tuition Fee). MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION English. COLLEGE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A Student should check if he …

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