marwadi university

This is why you should opt for Bachelor of Architecture

To opt for a career in Architecture means you are going to deal with the art, design and science of buildings and other structures. It is about creating places for the lives of people. Being an Architect, you are not just going to be concerned about the interior and exterior of the structures but also, …

This is why you should opt for Bachelor of Architecture Read More »

Marwadi University contributes to make Gujarat an education hub

As you all know, Gujarat is known worldwide for its rich cultural and architectural heritage which is entrenched with a plenty of jaw-dropping monuments and structures. Having more than 200 total heritage attractions, our state is in a real manner, called Garvi Gujarat. All these sites and monuments reflect their cultures, different stories and significance. …

Marwadi University contributes to make Gujarat an education hub Read More »

Master’s degree while working full time? Consider these points!

A full-time job and full-time study together sounds intimidating, doesn’t it? It is pretty much difficult to handle both things at the same time! But there are some strategies that can lessen the entire load and make it possible. Below are a few strategies to keep in mind which can make you fulfil the dream …

Master’s degree while working full time? Consider these points! Read More »

Student clubs at Marwadi University to recognize students’ potential

All work and no play make students dull. Education is not just about what you learn inside the four classroom walls. All-round education must be given to the students which essentially should include the students’ moral, physical, intellectual, cultural and social development. We, at Marwadi University, understand the importance of overall development and hence, we …

Student clubs at Marwadi University to recognize students’ potential Read More »

Events at Marwadi University boost student development

Marwadi University is one of the best universities in Gujarat in all the terms. Apart from the highest level of education, we also provide such facilities that boost the growth of students. Along with the regular classroom studies that we conduct, we also hold several events and activities that are relevant to various courses. Through …

Events at Marwadi University boost student development Read More »

Want to become an entrepreneur? Consider these degree options.

Wish to work for yourself and not others? Is serving for others, not your forte? While most students only see the good-goods of starting their own venture in the future, there are some harsh realities too which also you should take into consideration. Yes, there are some benefits such as flexible working hours, working at …

Want to become an entrepreneur? Consider these degree options. Read More »

Marwadi University ignites the spark of innovation in youth

Marwadi University believes in providing students a 360-degree view of their curriculum and helps them to infuse this knowledge into their thought process to come up with extraordinary innovations. In order to help the students with their innovative ideas and make them successful future entrepreneurs, Marwadi University has a dedicated centre for aiding the students. …

Marwadi University ignites the spark of innovation in youth Read More »

Why foreign students feel like home at Marwadi University

There is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India called ICCR (The Indian Council for Cultural Relations). They are involved in maintaining the external cultural relationships of India through cultural exchange with foreign countries and their people. This organisation was founded by independent India’s first Education Minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in the year …

Why foreign students feel like home at Marwadi University Read More »

4 Career-oriented courses to go for after B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is one of the most popular and the oldest courses of engineering. This discipline comprises the study of various subjects like thermodynamics, mechanics, designing, thermal engineering, HVAC, metrology, quality control, production and maintenance engineering and many more emphasizing more on these four main prospects of this branch- design, production, manufacturing and maintenance. If …

4 Career-oriented courses to go for after B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Read More »

Get 360-degree education at Marwadi University

The industry needs such professionals who are proactive together with being skilful and talented. To support this vision, we, at Marwadi University, have developed a structure for the overall development of students- 360-degree education structure which makes sure that the students acquire core technical skills and possess all required attributes about their field in order …

Get 360-degree education at Marwadi University Read More »

4 Reasons you should go for Automobile Engineering

If you see the current scenario of the Indian automotive industry, it is one of the most dynamic ones in the entire world. The key reasons may include increasing population, diversified customers and high living standards. Broadly, you can classify this industry into 3 major segments viz. R&D, production and sales. And all of these …

4 Reasons you should go for Automobile Engineering Read More »

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