Excel in Your Passion for Language with an MA in English Literature
girl is standing in library with book in her hand.

Excel in Your Passion for Language with an MA in English Literature

Your love for literature has brought you here today. Literary enthusiasts have read and experienced the works of all the great classic authors, including Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Sudha Murthy, RK Narayan, and Maya Angelou. You ask that bookworm about any book, and they would have told you the preface of it already. 

Do you consider yourself a lover of literature and wish to make it the centre of your universe one day? If you yelled yes in your mind right now, MA in Literature is a win-win for you. You can pursue your MA in English Literature at Marwadi University – The Best University in India, Rajkot.

If you are looking forward to excelling in your educational career even after pursuing your MA in Literature, PhD in communication skills from Marwadi University will help you discover a completely new world of using the right words to enhance your communication skills.

Many of you who want to study English literature as your major or as an honours subject in your graduate programme or who are already studying English literature in your graduate programme has too many questions about the possibilities that the degree has to offer in the future. Many people doubt that earning an MA in English literature will provide them with sufficient career options. On the other hand, there is a lot which is unsure if there are enough employment opportunities available for MA English Literature graduates. 

In this blog, we will discuss the endless opportunities that this field has got to offer. 

Why Choose MA in English Literature?

You can find possibilities in a variety of industries with an MA in English literature. An MA in English literature can be used to fill several positions that require strong writing and communication abilities. Future opportunities will primarily be found in the media and communication sectors.

According to a report on India’s media and entertainment report 2019, it is predicted that by the year 2024, the workforce’s creativity and innovation skills will significantly increase in fields like digital advertising, print, movies, video games, animation, and many more. This implies that there will be a large need for content creators, copywriters, digital marketers, and other professionals. It would take excellent writing and analytical skills to accomplish this. And who else can have a sophisticated command over language than an English major?

Additionally, pursuing an MA in English literature can assist you in developing the abilities necessary in today’s global and competitive environment, where the use of analytical, creative, and critical thinking abilities is most beneficial.

Top 3 career options after MA in English Literature


There are many opportunities to work as a Writer in the many vocations listed below if you have pursued MA in English Literature or an MA in English Language and have honed a well-rounded writing style in English.

1. Content Writer for websites, blogs, vlogs, digital marketing campaigns, e-learning portals, etc.

2. Blogger (select your niche – food, travel, fashion, politics, films, etc.)

3. Copywriter.

4. Writer for a publication house.

5. Script Writer/ Playwright/ Screenplay Writer

6. Creative Writer (writing poems, short stories, novellas, novels, essays, etc.)

7. Critic (writing critical reviews of products and services such as restaurants, travel destinations, fashion, movies, theatre, etc.)

8. Literary critique (writing critical reviews for literary works written by other people)

9. Academic Writer (writing essays, research articles, etc.)

10. Technical Writer (writing product usage instructions, product manuals, etc.)

11. Can you work in multiple roles? Well, then you can be a freelance writer taking up various assignments but having a niche is always better!


You can be a journalist after earning a master’s degree in English literature. If you want to be a journalist, you have lots of possibilities. You can work in a variety of positions as a full-time employee of a media company or as a freelance journalist.

After the first one to three years of hard work, you won’t have to sit around if you are good. As a Reporter, Sub-Editor, Copy Editor, Online Reporter, and in a variety of other positions, you can find employment. Who knows, if you put in a lot of effort and are truly good, you might one day have the positions of editor and famous news anchor. It is a little challenging but getting it is not impossible.

Get into the Teaching Field

In India and throughout the world, the education sector is growing. Even with merely an MA in English Literature or an MA in English, you can get employment at a coaching centre, a tuition centre, private schools, a spoken English coaching centre, and other organisations of a similar kind.

You can pursue a B.Ed. if you want to become a successful teacher. You must pass the NET (National Eligibility Test) or a State-level Eligibility Test if you wish to teach in a college (SLET). You will always have a job, whatever you want to do.

E-learning is currently and will continue to be a thriving industry in addition to traditional teaching. You can work as an online tutor, a Subject Matter Expert (SME), or an instructional designer in this position. There will be a tonne of jobs available in this industry.

If you would love to explore the educational field more, there are a few study options you can opt for after pursuing your MA in Literature.

Study options after MA in English Literature

You don’t want to work after receiving your degree, do you? No issue. After earning a master’s degree in English literature, you will have a lot of excellent possibilities for furthering your education. 

Any of the following fields is an option for a PhD. There are also a lot of other choices.

1. PhD in Linguistics

2. PhD in Comparative Literature

3. PhD in Classical English Literature or PhD in Classics

4.PhD in the English Language

5. PhD in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language

For more courses, you can visit our official website and experience the joy of studying and learning at Marwadi university.

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