Certification courses that can add value to your CV

Certification courses that can add value to your CV

If you have ever thought about building your future in Business Administration, MBA is the right course for you. Whether you are a male or a female candidate, MBA has immense opportunities ahead for you. But you can also do something more than just having a degree of MBA. According to your interest and field, you can select a certification course which would polish your knowledge and ultimately, will build a strong skill set.

Take MBA as one and any of the following as the second one. Take a quick look at following some certifications and courses:

Oracle ERP, SAP or Tally

When you do a certification course in a specific niche, it polishes your skills and makes you professionally more versatile. For example, if you already have an MBA degree, you can select a certification course which has relevance to your industry and which can add value to your resume. All across India and the world, a lot of institutes offer certifications in Oracle Finance ERP, SAP, Tally and more. Get these certification courses and increase your chances to get accepted by the industry.

Industrial Relations, Industrial Psychology or Labour Laws

Like many have an inclination towards MBA in Finance, there are also some people who have a soft corner for MBA in Human Resources. And as you know, companies want the efficient HR professionals to make their recruitment and hiring process smooth. This is the reason why the demand for MBAs in HR has increased. But together, if you have a keen knowledge about labour and industrial laws, this combination is beneficial to make you absorbed into the industries like manufacturing and production. Industrial Psychology is also good to choose along with MBA in HR in order to manage the workforce and their issues.

Logistics or Supply Chain Management

Since ecommerce industry is progressing by leaps and bounds, there has a rise in the demand for skilled professionals for logistics and SCM. For this, your degree in MBA Marketing comes to a great help. Supply Chain Management and logistics can be considered as excellent value additions to your MBA Marketing degree. Opt for a Diploma course in SCM or Logistics and you will be hired to manage the customers and vendors in a better way.

Project Management or Six Sigma certification

Under the Master of Business Administration, you would have studied Project Management as one of the main subjects. But having a specialization in it is altogether a different thing. It can give you recognition in the industry. Apart from it, having a Six Sigma certification can also help you with different segments like change management, process improvements, conflict management and more.

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