Become a PHP Master – A course for beginners

Become a PHP Master – A course for beginners

To help individuals like you grab the most of this technologically-driven world, at Marwadi University, we offer a PHP Course. Unlike other courses, this course is a short duration course, precisely 120 hours. Moreover, one doesn’t have to spend lakhs of rupees to pursue a web designing course.

Course Fees: 2,500/-

Basically, this course covers scripting with PHP and its Frameworks (LARAVEL) – PHP. It will equip you with skills of developing a web application with database connectivity and will also help you to understand MVC and Framework of PHP developing web application with LARAVEL. But to pursue this course, you must a pre-requisite of basic computer programming.

Why PHP course?

The Internet has brought the world on a common platform of the internet. With more and more people using this platform, companies across the globe want to make the most of this platform. In their endeavour to do so, they are looking for individuals with PHP knowledge these days. Thus, pursuing a PHP course can prove to be highly beneficial for one’s successful career.

Course Content:

The PHP course offered by Marwadi University covers a wide range of topics. They are listed as below:

  • Core PHP:
    • Introduction to PHP Part-1
    • Introduction to PHP Part-2
    • PHP GD Library Regular Expressions & Server Variables
    • Session and Cookies
    • Database Connectivity
  • Advance PHP:
    • Ajax
    • Basics of query
    • Advance j query
    • Php frameworks
    • Laravel configuration and installation
    • Laravel scripting

Scope of career:

In today’s world, skills speak up more than prestigious degrees. If you earn a renowned degree and lack basic/advanced skills, your degree might not fetch you a decent job. But if you appropriate skills, you will have a successful professional career. This is because the world demands skills and knowledge.

With the world focusing on computer and using it extensively for commercial purposes, pursuing a PHP course can open up a host of opportunities.

Career Opportunities have been listed below:

  • Web/application designer
  • Web/application development
  • Project coordinator
  • Business Developer
  • Web Application Development using LARAVEL framework

Thus, register for this web development course at Marwadi University.

If you are looking forward to pursuing similar courses or the courses which equip you with skill and knowledge in the field of computers, check out a few courses at Finishing school section under the Programs offered by Marwadi University.

Just open Marwadi University > Programs > Certification > Finishing School

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