Searching for the Best Engineering College in Gujarat… You are at the right place

Searching for the Best Engineering College in Gujarat… You are at the right place

Engineering is the applications of scientific, mathematical and practical concepts that help to innovate and create a new concept, theory, solution, machine or material. Pursuing engineering from an institute that is solely devoted towards encapsulating all such values in a student leads to the birth a true engineer. The institute is recognized as the “Best” if it believes in the spirit of a true engineer and works hard in the direction of its fulfilment.

entrepreneurship in muBest institution for Engineering must provide both subjective knowledge, wherein the student understands the things going around and the principle of their working along, and gives away a practical understanding of the subject as well, that helps to control the things going on around. Where practical knowledge manifests itself as “Knowing how the things work”, theoretical knowledge is equally important. Without theoretical learning, implementing it practically might be dangerous. For example, a student pursuing Mechanical engineering is studying about a car and its engine parts in a classroom from the book and presentation slides, he/she would definitely have ample amount of knowledge about all its parts and its principle of working, but would lack the practical knowledge for sure. At the time of implementing of knowledge gained, he/she cannot repair car in case some fault occurs. Adding to it, finding an institute that parallels focus on personal development is also crucial. Communication skills are important, but companies look for much more when hiring employees. Good attitude, adaptability and energy are recognized as essential attributes. The college should give a wide exposure to the outside world. More the exposure with practical career experience, the more they get connected to the real world residing outside the campus.

Faculties should also be accessible to their students all the time, and lay a helping hand to them whenever in need. The pupils should get individual guidance and attention to help them prosper while they face any trouble personally. Faculties having ample knowledge of the science and technology being used in today’s world can guide them the best. The top Engineering College strives to provide a placement cell with exceptional records. They make more people employable. Pursuing Engineering from such an institution will assuredly get the students placed as they offer the best jobs with higher packages. Searching for the top Engineering College in the region of Gujarat in particular, has a unique and the most- eminent choice.

Marwadi-UniversityMarwadi University is the top Engineering College in Gujarat that stands firmly with all such essential qualities to nurture their students with. It is not just the academic excellence that offers the Institute with its special recognition but also its well thought and planned out curricular system which adds to the overall growth of the students and also provides vigilant personal support to them. This blend endorses the intense interdisciplinary approach towards creating a remarkable environment suitable for engineering students. The engineering environment at MU furnishes modern and well equipped labs that support latest trends in technology, numerous skill and personality development programs conducted, seminars organised lending them market exposure, and also provides various platforms where they can showcase their innovative skills at different tiers like in robotic development, code jam sessions, etc.

The institute works with an urge to carry outstanding research and development such that it helps students confronting huge and complex challenges in the stream of engineering, thereby making Marwadi University a prominent learning place. For the Best Engineering College in Gujarat, Marwadi University follows the unique 360 degree education model. It is recognized as the “Best Engineering college of India-West” in the year 2016. It is also acknowledged as the “Best Institute Providing Excellence in Placement by World Leadership Federation in 2017”. Not only this, MU is commended as “Fastest growing Education Institute Excellence Award – 2016” at the International Achievers Conference on 9th January, 2016, and many more. Marwadi University was incepted with the purpose of enhancing human capabilities. MU strives to contribute knowledge & skill to augment human life and provide immense opportunities for every individual to discover his true potential. Their commitment is to provide best and industry relevant education.

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